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Personal Transformation 

is all about discovering your true self, living with purpose, effortlessly and with joy and discovering what true abundance is. This event is a journey to understanding how to make your dreams come to life. You'll explore new ways of thinking and being your best self. Everything you can imagine, you can bring into the REAL world. BUT you must want it.

Getting rich is as predictable and reliable as science – and when you understand it, you can create predictable success in your life! THIS ISN’T HOPING AND WISHING … THIS IS SCIENCE.

Session 1

Discovering Your True Self


Your true journey starts with you going within, defining what you don't want in your life now, and acknowledging what you are currently doing. What would you love to have happen in your life in the next year and beyond?


Session 2

Discovering the New You

The way you're living right now isn't bringing you closer to what you want. It's not just about feeling good about yourself—although that's important—it's about becoming the kind of person who can create the life you dream of.


Session 3

Discovering Your Power

 Gain the tools and insights to master the art of decision-making, ensuring your choices align seamlessly with your envisioned future building a passion-based business or career.

DAY 1:




Reserve your spot at Personal Transformation today and take the first step towards learning the science behind unlocking your true potential. Let's create a world where imagination transforms into tangible reality.


Accountability is the glue to commitment - share this invite with a friend and hold yourself accountable every day to get to the session live or the recording.



I'm Ingjerd, a certified mindset coach trained by the Proctor Gallagher Institute. I've empowered hundreds of people to gain mental clarity and confidence, enabling them to transition from unfulfilling roles to thriving in their passion-based careers. These experiences have resulted in extraordinary transformations, with improvements extending to all aspects of their lives – from tripling their incomes and acquiring new homes. Their entire reality has changed for the better.